Synthroid and edema ankles
My dosage was increased the week to 50 mcg of Synthroid. I have felt more energy since taking the drug. However, I definitely am having edema of the ankles.
synthroid and swollen ankles - Thyroid Disorders Message Board.Meds Synthroid.150mcg and multivitamin. Last 12 months, experiencing pitting edema at ankles, Starts unilateral left ankle becomes bilateral after a few weeks if not tx w.
Synthroid edema, ankles - Synthroid - Edema of legs, ankles.. Enter your Reply. Be helpful, reasonable and fair... edema of the ankles/calf. muscle cramps in the lower leg. irritability. headaches. I stopped taking synthroid about 6 weeks ago (without my do... I have had edema in both legs for over 3 months. my Dr. and the new test is in the 700's. she upped my synthroid. Does anyone else have constant Edema of feet, ankles and...
Synthroid calf muscle cramps, edema, irritability, ankles.
it ~is~ possible (giving hope) - Thyroid Disorders - MedHelpHealthBoards Message Boards > Health Issues > Thyroid Disorders > synthroid and swollen ankles. I did receive a diagnosis and treatment for that edema (diagnosed venous.
synthroid and edema - MedHelp
edema - Thyroid Disorders - MedHelp
Subclinical Hypothyroidism/Synthroid/Swollen ankles-HELP - Thyroid."Definition of Edema Edema is another term for. am~ still drinking my coffee after I take my synthroid. Does anyone else have constant Edema of feet, ankles and...
Synthroid and edema ankles Edema and Side Effects
Thyroid Disorders Board Index: Phrases Starting with "S"
Synthroid edema, ankles - Synthroid -
TreatmentCompediumGAP - Edema - Traditional Chinese Medicine
Effects of Synthroid |
Hyperthyroid Edema Ankles - a comprehensive view - Wellsphere
Edema and Side Effects